Operations Numbers

It is a table caption
Owned Not Owned Total
Area One 33,333,333 44,444,444 22,222,222
Area Two 11,111,111 11,222,333 33,444,555
Area Three 11,111,111 11,222,333 33,444,555
Total 33,333,333 44,444,444 22,222,222
table caption goes here select for larger image
Xcel Energy - 34% Carbon-Free Electricity
Colorado - 32% Carbon-Free Electricity
Texas/New Mexico - 15% Carbon-Free Electricity
Upper Midwest - 54% Carbon-Free Electricity

1 Includes wind energy de-bundled from renewable energy credits (RECs); learn more about RECs
2 Includes wind energy purchased for Windsource®
3 Includes solar energy generated by customer-owned systems through Solar*Rewards®
4 “Other” includes small amounts of power purchased from a number of sources

Providing Community Value